Shampoo for dogs

The use of shampoo for dogs is important in terms of hygiene and eliminating unpleasant odor. When choosing a cosmetic product, the account should be taken of the specie, age and health of the animal, the structure and color of its coat. The dog’s skin pH is different from the pH of the human skin. Therefore, shampoos for people should not be used to bathe dogs, because they dry the skin and coat.

How often and what shampoo to use when bathing the dog depends on:

  • breed characteristics
  • type of wool cover
  • individual features of the animal

Dogs are not recommended to be bather frequently, since special protective fatty substances are washed off the wool. The fat layer has bactericidal properties, protects wool from excess drying and excessive humidity. With frequent bathing, protective substances have no time to restore. As a result, the dog’s hair becomes brittle and fragile.

Every dog owner alone determines the degree of his pet dirtiness, yet you should not bathe your pet more than 1-2 times a month. Veterinarians and dog breeders recommend bathing some dogs no more than once in 6 months, provided that the owner regularly brushes dog’s fur.

Dogs will look beautiful, well-groomed and healthy, if the owner provides his home pet proper grooming. The extracts of medicinal plants, vegetable oils and mineral substances found in shampoos for dogs provide various useful properties:

  • Calendula soothes the skin
  • Cranberry extract improves hair structure
  • Mint has antibacterial properties
  • Silk proteins moisturize and smooth the wool, making it easier to comb
  • Licorice extract enhances the effect of deep moisturizing and softening hair
  • Extract of olive leaves possesses nutrient and restoring properties
  • Keratin makes the wool elastic and prevents the formation of split ends

Furthermore, to modulate the processes of cells keratinization in wool follicles, shampoos for dogs may include one of three following components: salicylic acid, sulfur or selenium disulfide.

Shampoos are intended not only for cosmetic use, but for medical purposes, as well. Shampoos for dogs with dandruff contain Chlorhexidine and Miconazole. These active components gently eliminate dermatitis and seborrhea, accelerate the remission in atopic dermatitis in dogs. To rid the dog from skin diseases, the shampoo should remain on the dog’s skin for at least 10 minutes after the application.

Shampoo for dogs with dandruff contributes to:

  • gentle skin hydration
  • getting rid of allergic skin reactions
  • prevention of skin diseases recurrence

If a vet identified genetic predisposition to develop allergies or allergic diseases, it is necessary to use shampoo for dogs with allergies. Shampoos do not contain salts and dyes, so as not to irritate the dog’s skin. The composition of shampoos includes such hypoallergenic components, as:

  • Allantoin, which reduces itching;
  • Banana extract, which softens skin and reduces irritation;
  • Ethereal oils of geranium, tea, lemon and orange trees, which scare insects.

If your home pet is being tortured by the bloodsucking type of parasites, you must use shampoo for dogs with fleas. The composition of such cosmetic product may include the extracts of margose, pyrethrum, and lavender, as well as dimethicone and aloe vera.

The shampoo has a repellent effect, that is, creates conditions that are unfavorable for the development and reproduction of the parasites on the dog’s coat. All active ingredients of the shampoo for dogs with fleas are safe even in accidental ingestion, do not provide teratogenic effects, and do not affect the reproductive function as well.

For a proper skin and wool care of the home pet, shampoo for dogs is not the only thing that should be used. Veterinarians and dog experts recommend using after bathing balms and special sprays to eliminate static electricity and prevent the roping of wool.