Premature ejaculation (PE) – is a widespread medical problem, which is more prevalent than erectile dysfunction. Different pills and capsules can be used for successful treatment of PE, the most popular of which are sold under the brand name Priligy.
Right holder of Priligy brand is Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical. Since 2011, this company is a part of a group of companies of Janssen Pharmaceuticals. Priligy drug was first approved for treatment of PE in 2009.
In 2016, Priligy is sold in dozens of worldwide countries, including the European and North American countries, as well as Asia-Pacific countries. If you want to buy Priligy, but this drug is not yet sold in your country of residence, you can order this drug for PE treatment on online pharmacy.
PE problem covers vast number of men, for whom this type of sexual dysfunction causes extremely distressing and discomfort. By using Priligy, every man who is unable to control ejaculation can increase ejaculation time from several seconds to several minutes.
Are you not satisfied with duration of sexual intercourse and quality of sexual life because of very rapid ejaculation? Use Priligy pills to control your orgasms, which are available on online pharmacy without a prescription.
You can buy Priligy right now or order this drug to treat PE after consultation with a pharmacist. Before you buy Priligy online, you can ask your questions about drugs for treatment of male sexual dysfunctions by phone, live chat or email.
Efficacy and safety of Priligy have been proven by clinical trials and confirmed by National Health Systems of various countries around the world, including:
- Italian Medicines Agency
- The Finnish Medicines Agency
- Health Sciences Authority (Singapore)
- Therapeutic Goods Administration (Australia)
- Spanish Agency of Medicine and Sanitary Products
- Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority (New Zealand)
- National Authority of Medicines and Health Products (Portugal)
- The Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risk (Mexico)
- Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (Germany)
- Austrian Medicines and Medical Devices Agency
- Medical Products Agency (Sweden)
If Priligy is not yet approved in the country of your residence and you cannot find Priligy pills at retail pharmacies, order this drug for treatment of ejaculatory disorder on online pharmacy.
International online pharmacies provide an opportunity to buy Priligy pills without a prescription. Therefore, you can order this premature ejaculation drug online in just 3-5 minutes at any time convenient for you.